Spreading Kindness,
one (free hygiene) kit at a time!
Kindness Kits is a program of Blair Healing Rooms, a 501(c)3 organization.
Donations are tax deductible in the US to the extent allowable by law.
A need recognized

Blair Radio, a program of Blair Healing Rooms, honored first responders throughout 2020, school staff December of 2020 and hospital staff December of 2021. As 2022 wound down, Kelly Johnson and Kelly Richards tossed ideas for the next give back opportunity back and forth but nothing stuck. ​
Then, in early December 2022, a staff member of Blair Community Schools presented the need for hygiene products at the school during a meeting of service agencies. The meeting continued and the expressed need was confirmed. A seed was planted.
​A bit of research, some key conversations and many scribbled notes later it was decided: This was the give back program Blair Radio could get behind. But it wouldn't last for a month.
The next meeting date arrived and Kindness Kits was introduced as an ongoing program of Blair Healing Rooms.

Looking forward

Where to begin?

After settling on the first two kit types, personal care and feminine hygiene, Kindness Kits began 2023 with a Clean Sweep, collecting product donations to fill our first kits. We are so thankful to Blair Chiropractic Centre, Cobalt Credit Union, First Baptist Church and First Congregational Church, all of Blair, and Sassafras Galleria of Wahoo for holding the first hygiene product drives to benefit Kindness Kits.
Orders placed to supplement the product drives and it was time to assemble our first kits. Quarter one of 2023 closed with our first kits in the hands of 2 school districts, 3 food pantries, 3 law enforcement agencies and 3 non-profit partners.
Committed to serving rural communities, we began in Washington and Saunders counties, next reaching into Burt, Harrison and rural Douglas counties before setting our sites on neighboring Nebraska and Iowa counties.
Items given were close to 19,000 in 2023, our inaugural year. By February 2024 we reached one third the item given count of 2023 with more than 7000 items distributed. The increase reflects not only our expanded reach as we serve more schools and partner agencies, it shows growing support as hygiene needs are recognized as a concern not limited to metropolitan areas.
As we expand our impact in 2024, we are finding that programs rural schools used to tap to support student hygiene needs are no longer available. Soaps donated by manufacturers in years past are now gone and staff has begun to wonder how to meet the needs. Some schools have found that reaching out via their parent networks have helped, others have found a non-profit to sponsor them.
These findings have simply reinforced our understanding that the need is real and strengthened our resolve to be available for those schools if their current resources are no longer available.
Join Us
We invite you to join us on this journey.
From donations of time (host a product drive or a packing party, spend some time spreading the word via social media or introduce us to your employer and social groups) to donations of money (become a monthly donor, support our back to school initiatives or become a SchoolCare sponsor) to there are many ways to get involved.
We can customize an opportunity for you / your organization. Questions? Reach out to Kelly Johnson at Blair Radio or Kelly
Richards at email Info@KindnessKits.Info.

​​Blair Radio does not distribute Kindness Kits. If you represent an agency interested in learning more, please contact info@kindnesskits.info
2023 (Year 1) by the Numbers
Counties Served
Items Distributed

2023 Donors
Kindness Kits is truly a neighbor helping neighbor program so we'd like to recognize a few donors who helped us in our launch year:
Blair Chiropractic
Blair Radio
Christ Lutheran Church, Blair
Cobalt Credit Union, Blair Branch
Dollar General Distribution Center - Blair
Family Dental Center of Blair
First Baptist Church, Blair
First Congregational Church, Blair
Heartland Family Dentistry, Blair
Jakes Sports Bar and Grill
Joe Peleska - State Farm Insurance Agency
Promedcare, Blair
Walmart, Blair
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Wahoo
Sassafras Galleria, Wahoo
plus Three Rivers Public Health and Reach Church for inviting us to participate in their outreach events
and Blair Healing Rooms volunteers and individual supporters.

2023 Partner Agencies
Washington County, NE
Angel's Share
Blair Community Schools
Blair Police Department
Blair Library
Bridge From Violence (The Bridge)
Pack the Park (Event)
Washington County Food Pantry
Burt County​, NE
Lyons Decatur Schools
Tekamah Public Library
Tekamah Public Schools
Dodge County, NE
Bridge From Violence (The Bridge)
Fremont Police Department
Scribner - Snyder Schools
Douglas County, NE
Douglas County Community Alliance
The Beautiful Gate
Valley Public Library

Saunders County, NE
Saunders County Food Pantry, Wahoo
Wahoo Community Schools
Wahoo Police Department
Wahoo Public Library
Harrison County, IA
Logan Magnolia Schools
Logan Police Department
Missouri Valley Library
Missouri Valley Police Department
Sunrise Community Church Non-Food Pantry
WCCA Food Pantry, Logan
West Harrison School District
Monona County, IA
WCCA Food Pantry, Onawa
WCCA Angel Tree, Onawa
Onawa Mobile Pantry (October 2023)​​​